The Pros and Cons of Buying a Van


There’s no denying that buying a new vehicle can be a complicated process. If you’re not a “car person,” knowing what style, size, and model to choose can be challenging.

Vans are a popular choice to consider. However, understandably, you may have some doubts. At first glance, they can be intimidating even with their known advantages.

In this article, we are going to be taking a look at six different pros and cons of buying a van so that you can determine if it’s the right choice for you.

Let’s get started.

Pro: They are incredibly versatile

Compared to most vehicles, vans can be considered highly versatile. Alongside being used for business purposes, they can also come in handy for those with unique hobbies or for those who love to travel. Realistically, they can be considered almost a “blank canvas.” You can equip them with whatever you desire, including shelving.

In fact, owning one as a daily driver saves you from needing another vehicle altogether. Which actually can cut down your transportation costs. With excellent easy access and so many uses, you can certainly see why they are so popular.

Con: They don’t have the best fuel economy

While you might wish otherwise, vans generally have poor fuel economy. You’ll be stopping at the gas pump a lot, and it can quickly add up to be a significant weekly expense. While there are things you can do to improve it, such as altering driving habits and undergoing preventative maintenance, it’s never going to ever be as good as other smaller vehicles.

Pro: Their size and capacity come in handy

One of the main reasons why many people may choose a van over something else is because of their size and capacity. No matter what your plans are, you always know that you have enough room. Seats can often be removed, loads can be stacked, and even tall items can fit easily inside.

From moving to a new house to transporting goods, or simply taking all of your kids to school. The possibilities are endless, and you never have to worry about hiring help. You may even be able to take on odd jobs to earn a little bit of extra cash.

Con: They don’t often have the latest technology

Compared to SUVs like the Vauxhall Mokka, vans often lack in technology. They don’t contain the fanciest safety features and are limited in their available styles. Yes, they have size advantages, but they aren’t the most luxurious option on the market. If you want a vehicle to show off, you’re better off choosing something else.

Pro: They can help you see the world

Above we mentioned how vans can be used for travel, but it’s important to touch on that a little bit further. Many individuals are completely transforming them and living nomadically full-time. It’s a cost-effective way to travel the world and can make for some of the most incredible memories. You can read more information about how one family did it here.

If you are thinking of trying out the van-life, it’s important to remember that it is not always as glamorous as it may seem. Some things you’ll need to keep in mind include:

You have to live on the bare minimum: While vans are spacious, they don’t contain as much room as your entire house. You’re going to need to cut down on your belongings and learn to live like a minimalist. Most individuals end up selling almost everything they own in order to afford this lifestyle.

You still need a schedule: Those that live in a van full-time generally still work as freelancers. In order to pay for food, gas, and other expenses, you need to follow a schedule. Otherwise, you’re not going to get very far.

Showering is tough: While it is possible to equip some larger vans with showers, you don’t often get that luxury. You’ll need to adapt to showering in gyms and caravan parks alongside using public toilets.

Communication is important: If you are traveling with another person, being close to them in a confined space 24/7 can be challenging. It’s important to communicate with one another and find areas where you can both take a breath.

If you don’t mind living life off the beaten track, then trying out this new way of living is definitely worth it. Not only is it an incredible experience, but you will discover how beautiful our world really is.

Con: They aren’t suitable for off-road adventures

Yes, while it is possible to load up a van with all of your camping gear and sports equipment, it’s important to remember that they are not suitable for off-road conditions. Their size and handling make them difficult to maneuver, and it’s very easy to get stuck in a sticky situation. If you’re looking for an outdoor vehicle with lots of space, you’re better off investing in a truck/ute that can handle that tough terrain.

Pro: They can be equipped for those with specialized needs

Above we talked about a van’s versatility for business and personal use, but another important thing to discuss is their ability to help those with special needs. Modifications such as wheelchair lifts and ramps can be installed for those that require them.

Con: Parking can be an issue

Finally, vans are bulky vehicles, so if you live in a large city or in an area with questionable parking, they may not be the best choice for you. Chances are, a lot of the time, you will have to walk longer to your destination, and it can be challenging to reverse with limited visibility. If you’re not confident, you may end up causing an accident.

And that’s it. These were the different pros and cons of owning a van. By reading through the above, you should now be able to decide if purchasing one is the right move for you and your family.

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