What Is A Diesel Generator? Different Parts of a Diesel Generator


A diesel generator is a mechanical device which is a combination of an electrical generator with a diesel engine. It generates electrical energy. Therefore, this is the case of an engine-generator. A diesel compression ignition engine runs on diesel fuel and may be adapted for natural gas or for other liquid fuels.

Diesel Generating Set

The combination of a diesel engine, a diesel generator and various other devices like canopies, bases, control systems, sound attenuators, jacket water heaters, circuit breakers, and a starting system, is called a generating set, or a “genset” or “gen-set” in short.

Working of A Diesel Generator

A diesel generator converts mechanical power in the form of movement to electrical power and sends it through power cables.

Parts of A Diesel Generator

The Different Parts of a Diesel Generator Are:

  1. Diesel Engine: This is similar to a typical diesel engine, and the bigger the engine, the more power it generates.
  2. Alternator: This is the main part which transforms the mechanical power to electrical power via the process of induction.
  3. Fuel Engine: This is the tank which holds the fuel supply for the engine. It typically holds enough fuel for 6-8 hours of operation, though the amount of fuel may vary from engine to engine and also the specific use.
  4. Voltage Regulator: This steadies the voltage and amperage of the AC current which is generated. Without it, they would vary according to the engine’s speed. This makes it’s currently usable for modern day devices.
  5. Cooling System: The waste heat produced in the generator causes it to heat up. The cooling system absorbs it and dumps it either into the air or to a cooling fluid, depending upon the system one uses.
  6. Exhaust System: All diesel generators produce toxic exhausts which cannot be released in that state. They must be treated and released in a direction away from people and other components.
  7. Lubrication System: An oil pump and a reservoir are set in place for lubrication.
  8. Starter and Battery Systems: A diesel generator relies on this small piece of equipment to provide it with the electrical energy initially required to kick-start the generator.
  9. Control Panel: As the name suggests, this includes options and devices necessary for the control of input and output of the machine.
  10. Frame: This is what protects the generator from mechanical damage.
  11. Canopy: A canopy can be used to cover a generator to reduce its sound level. It is also called an acoustic canopy, and it makes the generator a ‘Silent Generator’.

Use of Diesel Generator

A diesel generator is generally used as a part of a generating set to power places with no connection to a power grid, or as a power supply when the grid fails (emergency power supply). They can be used in more complex situations like providing support to the power grid, providing export to the power grid and peak lopping.

Sizing of Diesel Generators and Why It’s Important

Diesel generators are sized according to power output. The sizing of a diesel generator is very important as any error can result in erroneous power output and the connected equipment can be severely damaged and thus the resulting consequences may be even more severe. It is critical to avoid a shortage of power or low load. If the size range is above 50MW, diesel engines prove to be less efficient than open cycle gas turbines. They are more compact and have almost equal capital costs. However, for part loading, even at these levels, a diesel generator array is preferred due to better efficiency.

This information would have given you detailed information about the diesel generators and its uses. Make sure that you invest in the right model considering your requirement and usage.

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